Programming The World Wide Web Robert Sebesta Pdf Editor
Customer Book Reviews
PROGRAMMING THE WorldWide Web EIGHTH EDITION ROBERT W. SEBESTA UniversityofColorado at Colorado Springs PEARSON Boston Columbus Indianapolis NewYork SanFrancisco UpperSaddleRiver Amsterdam CapeTown Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City SaoPaulo Sydney HongKong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo.
fast-paced, effective overview of multiple web technologies
By Peter J Lennonon Aug 06, 2014
If you don't have a clue regarding web markup or scripting languages, as in 'none', then don't get this book. You won't be able to follow. However, if you have at least written some basic scripts/markup, get ready to do some work (it will be work), and learn tons from this guy. It's packed with information; a concise summary of nuts and bolts of multiple technologies that go into making a dynamic website. It's brevity was part of it's challenge for me, and I think for others as well. One user gave 2 stars for 'gaps in explanations' but, I strongly disagree with this poor rating. The Preface reads '. this book is aimed at college students, not necessarily computer science majors, but anyone who has taken at least two courses in programming .. also useful for professional programmers who wish to learn Web programming .. the goal of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive introduction to the programming tools and skills required to build and maintain server sites on the web.' I'm keeping it as a reference because the author has done such an exceptional job of covering the rudiments of entire technologies in single chapters. If you have never even touched Javascript, or PHP, or at least some programming/scripting language, then then this book will be too much work. This book is not an intro to HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, AJAX etc. It is a densely-packed overview of multiples of them, with the understanding that you already know how to do basic programming/scripting.
It is amazing that the author was able to sit down and type with that stick shoved so far up his butt. The writing condescending and convoluted. It is the required text for a class and very challenging to get through. There are serious gaps in the explanations and it follows no logical progression. And the author has so little word diversity it makes it an utter bore to read. It is truly amazing someone can use the same words so many times, especially specifies (and variations there of). This book makes me want to bash my head repeatedly against my desk.
Browsing The Web
This is quite a good text that is written for those who would prefer to write code rather then go into interpreting the ramblings of some authors.
Very well written, other than a few typos here and there. I like the way the author explains the topics and lists some programs to use for editing the various languages mentioned (such as HTML, XHTML, Javascript, and XML). The only complaint I have is that sometimes the text can go over my head. Luckily for me, I have an instructor for help, but take that into consideration when making a purchase.
Good introduction book to programming the world wide web. Covers several topics so not much depth. Over all a good textbook and reference book for the basics.
This book is okay , it was our course book. It is a normal book that covers most of WWW topics. It think this book is good for beginners or people who are not expert in programming.
Probably fine if you know some programming already
By Russell A Carollaon Mar 05, 2013
There are a few things left out you need to fill in the blanks on if you are not programming savvy.
This was a great purchase. It was not only used in the basic class, but also in the advanced. This book is easy to read and understand how to use the code it gives.
arrived on time, great book
This book was required for a class that I was taking. There are many gaps in explanation in this book. If you are just getting into web development, don't use this one.
Required for college class.
Sebesta is well-known for his text on programming language theory. These books on the application of languages in the domain of world wide web programming are timely and well-written. I have a few editions of this text, each represents a different mix of topics which address the most popular technologies of their era such as AJAX, XHTML, PHP, CSS, and etc. I would recommend any of the text for someone who has an interest in learning some of the fundamentals of web development. With a computer with a web browser, one might get started using some of the technologies. Internet access is not a requirement for learning the basics. And, and older edition such as this one is excellent for the neophyte. In most instances, the technologies have not changed so over a decade that the work which can be done based on these books would be considered 'dated' or 'obsolete'. This book is very accessible and might be a great holiday gift for that inquisitive middle or high school student who has an interest in computing. Also, coupled with one of Dan Goodman's refences on Dynamic HTML (DHTML), a professional developer has a nice set of works for quick reference on his desk. I taught a computing elective in Internet Programming using LAMP technologies for non-computing majors at a university using this text in the middle of the last decade, and all of my students produced professional-grade websites which small businesses could use within the semester.
Pros: Great overview of web programming concepts for people who are completely new to it. Gives a few tips and tutorials for one or two things (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Cons: It's not a very in-depth guide. I feel that the few tutorials and chapters they have on different languages could easily be found and accessed for free on most web programming forums. I couldn't justify advising people to purchase a book that I don't think will really teach them what they are trying to learn. If you want to learn HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Ruby on Rails, then purchase books specific to those. Don't go with a book this broad. Verdict: 3 stars for the general layout and for giving tips and tutorials. Wouldn't advise people to purchase this, as it only gives a broad view vs. an indepth understanding.
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I bought this book because it was the textbook for a college web programming course. Things I liked and reasons to buy: The thing I like the most about this book is that it covers the basics of what seems to me to be about every possible important programming technology for the web. Coverage is solid but there is a potential downside (see below). What I also liked was that in the early part of the text it sticks to teaching you XHTML/CSS programming rather than wasting time with older HTML. This book is written by a college professor and he gives you a lot of background information that will give you insight that will allow some deeper understanding. Things I didn't like and reasons not to buy: This book covers about 15 technologies (and a few of those each have related technologies that need and get some explanation). Plus: Appedix A is an intro to Java and Appedix C is an intro to Java Applets. The coverage provided for all of these technologies will get you started and teach you the basics but if you plan to program with these technologies you are going to need additional resources. I find the web itself to be a good resource. Finally, this book is expensive. The 5th edition (for whatever reason) is about $30 cheaper. Just get that one. In looking at the reviews of the 5th ed (where someone listed the TOC) I can see that these books appear to be identical. What looks dissappointing to me in the newer 5th edition though, is that it does not include coverage of Groovy/Grails a new web development technology based on Java coding. See or Happy web programming!
This book has very good explanations of concepts and shows great examples
By Nikki Son Jun 22, 2016
This book has very good explanations of concepts and shows great examples. The exercises make use of what you have learned in the chapter and is a great help in learning these concepts! I've learned a lot about internet programming I didn't even know existed!
Easy to read
Decent textbook, very thorough. A bit outdated already.
Not as current as it could have been, however, the web is ever changing..
I didn't know a whole lot about internet program before I took the college class that required this book, and after reading the first 5 chapters, I gave up. The chapters are decently helpful, but then, so is looking this stuff up on the Internet. Ultimately, learning to program the internet by using the internet to learn is easier than reading this book. (It's also kinda outdated).
Excellent and discriptive
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